Prevention and dealing with running injuries

running injuries

With many of you starting on your marathon training journey, here’s a reminder of some of our tips for preventing and dealing with common running injuries.   Warm up and cool down always!  Maintain flexibility. Although recent research suggests pre-running stretching is not effective in preventing injury, maintaining flexibility at other times is vital to permit continued … Read more

Marathon Training Woes

Marathon runners

The London 2019 Marathon is being held on Sunday 28th of April so hopefully you are well underway with your marathon training!  In the remaining weeks, it is really important to take on board good practice and techniques to help prevent and manage some of the many common running injuries.  Common Running Injuries  Here are a few injuries many runners encounter during their training.  Achilles … Read more

How to ensure running benefits your health without incurring avoidable injuries

Sporting Injuries in Croydon

Running is one of the most popular and convenient ways to get fitter and healthier. But its rise in popularity is likely due to the additional benefits that accompany this exercise. It has a great social side; with many free running groups, such as the weekly Park Run, it is an excellent way to meet new people. Running requires limited equipment making it affordable and can fit into anyone’s lifestyle, however like any exercise there are many common injuries that runners … Read more