Call 0208 657 5700 | Email Treatments@sandersteadphysio.com
Standard operating procedure
Following the Government’s update, and in line with the consensus of Government, professional and regulatory advice, evidence and opinion, clinical treatment should continue to be delivered on a ‘virtual first’ basis, with face to face assessment and/or treatment available under exigent circumstances while the country remains on Alert Level 3.
Covid-19 is still present, and still life threatening to both patients and therapists. As such, the clinical need for face to face consultation must outweigh the significant risk to both.
Face to face appointments should only be offered in line with the Covid-19 F2F Referral Pathways and must only be delivered in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), in order to reduce the risk of infection to patients and to colleagues.
Read our full Standard Operating Procedure here.
Covid-19 Return to Face to Face Site Risk Assessment download here.
High Risk – Clinically Extremely Vulnerable – NB: Should have received a letter from the NHS
Moderate Risk – Clinically Vulnerable – NB: Will not have received a letter from the NHS
Call 0208 657 5700 | Email Treatments@sandersteadphysio.com
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