As a Croydon physio we see lots of cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, it is quite common and can be very debilitating condition that has several causes.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms
can often be described as a pain, numbness, weakness or a tingling burning sensation around the wrist and hand. The symptoms are most likely to appear on some index and middle fingers and it can even extend up into the forearm or even to the shoulder. You may also notice a slight change in colour as the skin in the hands becomes dry and the hand and fingers could become swollen. Initially these symptoms might only occur for a short period of time and you may notice that they are worse at night. However early treatment tends to lead to quicker and speedy recovery, the longer you suffer with the symptoms are more painful and prolonged they will be in the longer the treatment to resolve will take.
What is carpal Tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of the (medial) nerve passes through a passage in your wrist. Pressure on this nerve causes the symptoms and pain that you may experience. Reasons for getting carpal tunnel syndrome vary from a family history, injuries to the wrist, RSI work with the hand, diabetes and also very commonly in pregnancy. It is estimated that 50% of pregnant women will suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome as part of the body swell.
Treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome
Sometimes carpal tunnel syndrome may disappear within a few days by using the view simple self-care procedures. Pregnant women may find that they suffer from the symptoms several months, or even up to a year after giving birth. Most treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome are treated to nonsurgical methods. By resting your hands and wrist regularly or even having a splint when the symptoms flareup may assist. Applying a cold compress can also help with reducing the swelling and therefore the pressure on the nerve. If you have realised that the condition is caused by repetitive motion you will need to work into your daily routine ways to reduce the activity of the wrist and to provide frequent rest breaks. Your doctor may also be able to prescribe cortisone is a short-term treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, however be aware that there can be some side-effects.
As a highly respected Croydon physio we are able to provide you with advice and treatment if you suffer from the symptoms. But as mentioned above quicker we can treat your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms quicker they will disappear. So do get in touch with us at Sanderstead physiotherapy.