With the winter months on their way we’ve complied some top tips for helping to prevent a sports injury as the colder days set in.
Warming Up and Cooling Down
Warming up can warm the muscles and increase flexibility as well as slowing increasing the heart-rate. Cooling down helps to reduce the strain on your muscles and slowly ease you out of the workout. Ensure you research the best type of warm up and cool down depending on your workout.
Use the right sports gear
Make sure whatever gear you use is appropriate for the workout. For example, ensure your trainers fit correctly and are suitable for workout you are doing, if you need help ask the shop assistants to help the right trainers.
Being aware of your body post injury
If you are recovering or have had an injury in the past it is key to take the right precautious going forward in your fitness journey. This may be investing in various supports or trying different workouts. Or come and talk to professional physiotherapist such as ourselves.
Use the correct technique
Don’t be afraid to ask your gym trainers for advice and help on what machines to use and how to work them effectively and safely.
Do a variety of workouts
Not only will this improve your fitness but by mixing up your workouts will help reduce the strain on certain muscle groups.
If you are concerned about a pain that won’t go away, then get in touch today on 0208 657 5700.